Happy new year. I had a great holiday. Played a lot of music in Toronto while I was there, and did some co-writing too. Ron Sexsmith even helped me to polish off a song that I was blocked with - 'Corner of the World'. The Toronto show at the Tranzac was really off the cuff and fun for that reason. Thanks to everyone who came out. I hope you all had a wonderful New Year.
I'm heading back down to Nashville in March to finish off the new album with Brad Jones and the musicians down there. We're all super excited to get back to it. We're hoping to have the record mixed by the end of the month.
In September/October I raised $6000 to pay for the initial recording trip. All of this came from you guys - Mike Evin's Dreamers. I appreciate it immensely. Now to finish the record I will need an additional $13,000 to get the rest of the album recorded and mixed. That's a lot of money to raise, I realize. But I'm hoping to raise as much of it as possible from you guys. Any and all contributions are so important. Even if you just donate $10, that's gonna make a difference. Please please please don't hesitate to get involved, no matter how much you feel like donating.
Here's where you can donate and read about the project: http://www.mikeevin.com/dreamers
I believe in this album so much and I want to finish it properly, so I'm going to need all the help I can get. Please spread the word.
Here's a photo of my good friend David Celia at his home studio in Mississauga while we were recording a nylon string guitar part for the song 'Real Tight' last week. The song was inspired by him.
I can't wait to share the album with the world and start playing concerts in earnest.
I love you all!